“Jembisa lies in the heart of the Unesco world biosphere reserve of the Waterberg. It is a breathtakingly beautiful private reserve that encompasses a wide diversity of habitats and biomes including savannah plains, syringa forests, riverine forests, gullies, rock faces, cliffs, flood plains and with 7km of the Palala river meandering through it.
As a result, it is home to a very broad range of fauna and flora species. Game species include, leopard, giraffe, gemsbuck, blesbuck, zebra, wildebeest, serval cats, Livingstone eland, zebra, red hartebeest, hippo, crocodile, steenbok, bushbuck, kudu, duiker and many nocturnal animals such as civet cats, porcupine, bushbaby, brown hyena, genet, aardwolf and the relatively rare, but frequently sighted at Jembisa, aardvark.
The owners of Jembisa are passionate about conservation and the stewardship of this remarkable and beautiful part of the natural world. Land and wildlife management is top priority and planned with the help of consultants and experts in the field. As a result, this pristine wilderness is being managed sustainably and protected for the future.
We have engaged the services of Dr Fanie Venter, a leader in the field, to draw up a management plan for Jembisa. This detailed plan covers all aspects from the land, river, flora, and fauna management.
On the wider scale Jembisa is part of the Unesco International Waterberg Biosphere reserve and is an active member of the Waterberg Nature conservancy – an organisation comprising the owners of the majority of the land in the area with the aim of fostering good conservation practice, sharing ideas and support. Internationally the main organisation that we support is Fauna and Flora International.